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Presentation/ Slideshow

This is the link to the slideshow I created for the junior and sophomore advisories. I mentioned my inspiration for this project, celebrities that have struggled with mental illness and more facts on depression rates

capstone cover

Painting with Junior Student

I brought painting canvases and paint. We also listened to positive affirmations in the background to start off the day.


Making Bracelets

Persaphanie Velasco brought her mentees to my group and we each made bracelets.


Keychain Necklaces

This was a group held on February 15th with Persey, Yashyalee, Amaiya, and Annelyse. We made keychain necklaces and bracelets

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Zoom Interview with Lemzel Johnson

This was a career field research interview I conducted with motivational speaker/life coach, and communications specialist 'Lemzel Johnson'. I learned various tips on how to pursue this life path along with helpful advice.

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Morning check-ins with Mentee

Every morning before and during advisory, we check in with each other to see how our days have gone. We talk about our goals for the day and usually eat snacks together to start the day.


End of Day Check Ins

This was at the end of the day. I checked on her in 5th block and we finished her assignments early. I then walked her to her bus and talked about what she was going to do for the rest of the day. 



Document created for mentee


Group Session with Mentees

For my second group session, I asked my classmates who were mentors to ask their mentees if they would like to participate in my coping group. We played a questions card game so we can get to know each other. 


Painting with Junior Student

I also participated in this activity as well. I enjoyed this peaceful session because it was a very calm way to start the day.


Making Bracelets

I brought string and different color and different styled beads for the bracelets. Dewayne Adams also participated and made himself a bracelet.


Keychain Necklaces

These are some more pictures from February 15th.


Morning check-ins with Mentee

Every morning before and during advisory, we check in with each other to see how our days have gone. We talk about our goals for the day and usually eat snacks together to start the day.


Morning check-ins with Mentee

This was on dress down during our morning check ins. We both ironically wore pajamas without planning it. This was a really good day and we laughed a lot. 



Document created for mentee


Email Exchange Artifacts

These are the emails between me and my mentor. This link also includes the emails between the advisory teachers I worked with.

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